
Nishath T

Section Head LP/UP

The Roots are bitter but the Fruit is sweet

Words are not enough to express my feelings towards my ISS; To say the least, it is everything to me. I joined ISS on 3rd October 2000 as a Hindi teacher and was girded and encouraged by ISS family and of course the then principal Karim Sir, who is responsible for making me what I am today. After the 10 years of long journey as a Hindi teacher, in 2010 I got a promotion as Head mistress of Lower Primary section which boosted my morale and developed my organizing capacities and leadership qualities.

The first day when I joined as an Head Mistress, I was a bit nervous, How I would manage everything? Really It was a new experience which I had never ever faced in my life. All the little stars; their first day at school, wearing new uniform with new bag, new umbrella everything new for them were very happy. They all were very eager to meet their teachers. Parents standing in verandah peeping in each and every classroom to make confirm their child’s division and to know who the class in charge Is?

The days passed on, I learnt a lot daily from new experiences. Do you know Lunch break? Really it is a moment of Heart Break..

Children are very free to move on; but w Dhadaaam !!! comes with fore head brok shirts wet with blood and then not less that stitches. Oh my God! hand fracture, fracture and so on…. Isn’t it really a stran experience of life?

Monday to Friday: 9 am to 3.30 pm hrs long journey shrinks my day into a v short moment with a lovable time pass hav children around me, with full of complain complaints and only complaints. Its so sw to hear their complaint A few can be sol and then comes the phone calls of pare Really feels very tension, headache, and day becomes sorrowful Aaah! Next morn once again ready to face new new complai new problems, new experience.

Hey dudes; do you want to k something about my Saturdays? Yes I miss little champs, I really miss them a lot. A Ground floor and first floor comes to bite because No sound, No Screaming, complaints and overall very boring. Life boring without children. Do you know in s a vibrant, campus, being with children is most thrilling experience.

My life in ISS is a treasure experiences which I am sure will enable m The days passed on; I learnt a lot daily face life with my head held high and proud to say, that I am a part of ISS family

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