About Us

Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision
I.S.S English Medium Senior Secondary School envisions, being the best School to bring out educational excellence of pupils in their quest for comprehensive scholarship, so that they may grow up, to be healthy, happy and responsible individuals who are wise, upright citizens, who will serve as worthy role models for the future generation.
Our Mission
We, at I.S.S School 'Serve one another' to explore, aim higher and forge new paths to reach the ultimate goal of life. The school views each child as a precious and infinite human resource and imparts curriculum to inculcate all attributes of the child to unfold naturally into a well balanced individual and meet the challenges of the world and to contribute to the growth for a harmonious unity of our cultural diversity and foster universal brotherhood.
Principal's Message
CBSE Affiliation
ISS Institutions
Islamic Service Society
Team ISS
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