
Rules and Regulations

  1. The students should converse only in English within the school premises.
  2. Improper uniform and carelessness in studies will be viewed seriously.
  3. Late coming is not allowed. A regular late-comer will be given three warnings and will be sent home if repeated.
  4. Identity card must be worn daily as it is part of the uniform.
  5.  Attendance of on National Days are compulsory.
  6. All students should greet the teacher and other staff.
  7. Students should try to earn a good name wherever they go representing the school. They should always remember that the school is adjudged by their behaviour.
  8. All students are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after every vacation. No one is allowed to leave for vacation earlier than the closing day.
  9. If a student is absent due to illness or some unavoidable reasons for more than a week, the school authorities must be informed immediately.
  10. Boys and Girls are to use separate stairs, meant for them.
  11. Boys should have closely cropped hair, spikes in front is not allowed.
  12. Fancy beards and whiskers are strictly prohibited, such students will be sent back home without warning.
  13. Girls with neck-length hair tie two plaits or pony tails with white ribbons or bands.
  14. Wearing in jewellery, using cosmetics, tattoos etc to school is strictly prohibited.
  15. Celebration of birthday, or sent-off parties etc are not allowed in the school without the prior permission of the principal.
  16. Presents, or gifts to the members of the staff is strictly restricted.
  17. Any damage done in or about the school premises must be made good by the parent of the child responsible. If the offender cannot be identified a collective fine may be imposed on the entire class. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount so fixed shall be final and binding.
  18. Indisciplined behaviour calls for suspension/dismissal from the school.
  19. The student are not allowed to use tight/low waist pants on any occasion.
  20. Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in the school work, dishonesty, obscenity in words or deeds, serious misconduct or threats even outside this school are sufficient reasons for disciplinary actions.
  21. The students are not allowed to bring mobile phones and electronic gadgets to the school. If found, it will be confiscated and auctioned at the end of the year and the amount will be added to the PTA fund.
  22. Eating/Chewing or exchanging of intoxicants in the school campus/ School Bus will be seriously viewed. Such cases would be referred to the Police.
  23. Any wilful damage caused to school property or to that of other students will have to be compensated by the concerned student.
  24. Students who fail to remit fee even after grace period will not be allowed in the clasess.
  25. Students are not allowed to make parallel picnic or tour on their own without permission from the school. Such cases will be treated seriously.
  26. Students will not be given T.C., Mark Lists and other documents, without clearance fromlab & library.
  27. Students reaching early to school are expected to sit in the classes and study their lessons in silence.
  28. Students are to keep discipline, decency and dignity while moving around in the campus, class and verandah. Walking by joining or holding hands of others, putting hands on other’s shoulders and embarrassing other students in the campus are not at all permitted.
  29. On working days and at school functions pupils are expected to wear school uniform prescribed for the session.
  30. Books outside the syllabus, comics, magazines, newspaper etc, should not be brought to school except in cases where the concerned teacher or the Principal had given permission.
  31. Phone calls to students will not be entertained; Mail to students is generally screened before disposal.
  32. The school being eco-friendly, students are not allowed to bring plastic carry bags and wrappers and litter the school premises. Lunch must be brought in washable steel Tiffin boxes. Avoid plastic tiffin boxes.
  33. The school is not responsible for loss of books, clothes, money, omaments, etc, in the school premises. Pupil must take care of own belongings.
  34. Pupils are advised never to wear gold ornaments or to bring valuable articles to the school.
  35. Discipline committee is authorized to maintaining proper discipline and a good atmosphere. The decision of the committee will be final and binding on matters of discipline.
Admission Procedure
Fee Structure
Books and Uniform
School Timing
School Brochure
Online Application
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